Our own Roguelike project
So now that you know a little more about Roguelike games and why we are going to use them to learn about PCG, let's take a look at our main project. This project will use a predefined art asset group and code base. We will be getting these assets from the Unity Technologies tutorial 2D Roguelike. This tutorial was actually the inspiration for this book, so it's only fitting that we showcase some of it.

Unity Technologies' 2D Roguelike—courtesy of Unity Technologies
The full Unity 2D Roguelike tutorial can be found at https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/2d-roguelike-tutorial.
All the assets used in the tutorial are available via the Unity Asset Store at https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/29825.
Even though we are using the assets from Unity's 2D Roguelike, this won't be a recreation of the tutorial. We want to explore more of what PCG has to offer, so we will only be using a portion of Unity's original...