Why are we here?
My science teacher used to boom this question across the classroom and scare half the class into paying attention. But it is a good question and well worth thinking about.
What is critical, especially in this type of business, is to understand what we are trying to achieve. This is necessary because a deep understanding and certainty of purpose will guide our actions. Although our PrestaShop store might be just about done, our business must have a real and clear purpose, and path, in order for us to achieve the maximum we can with our new found knowledge.
So why did we open a PrestaShop store? Why did you buy this book? For some of you, it might be simple curiosity about PrestaShop or perhaps e-commerce in general. I am guessing that for the majority of us, it was to start a business. And for any number of good reasons, you specifically chose PrestaShop.
But why did you want to start a business at all? Well, that's obvious you might say—to make money. But why make money? To...