How fast is fast?
The turnaround for DevOps processes must be fast. We need to consider time to market in the larger perspective, and simply stay focused on our tasks in the smaller perspective. This line of thought is also held by the Continuous Delivery movement.
As with many things Agile, many of the ideas in DevOps and Continuous Delivery are in fact different names of the same basic concepts. There really isn't any contention between the two concepts; they are two sides of the same coin.
DevOps engineers work on making enterprise processes faster, more efficient, and more reliable. Repetitive manual labor, which is error prone, is removed whenever possible.
It's easy, however, to lose track of the goal when working with DevOps implementations. Doing nothing faster is of no use to anyone. Instead, we must keep track of delivering increased business value.
For instance, increased communication between roles in the organization has clear value. Your product owners might be wondering how the development process is going and are eager to have a look. In this situation, it is useful to be able to deliver incremental improvements of code to the test environments quickly and efficiently. In the test environments, the involved stake holders, such as product owners and, of course, the quality assurance teams, can follow the progress of the development process.
Another way to look at it is this: If you ever feel yourself losing focus because of needless waiting, something is wrong with your processes or your tooling. If you find yourself watching videos of robots shooting balloons during compile time, your compile times are too long!
The same is true for teams idling while waiting for deploys and so on. This idling is, of course, even more expensive than that of a single individual.
While robot shooting practice videos are fun, software development is inspiring too! We should help focus creative potential by eliminating unnecessary overhead.

A death ray laser robot versus your team's productivity