Chapter 7: MicroProfile Ecosystem with Open Liberty, Docker, and Kubernetes
So far, in the previous chapters of this book, we focused on using the MicroProfile APIs to write a cloud-native application. In this chapter, we will look at how to run a cloud-native application. One of the features of MicroProfile that sets it apart from some other cloud-native application frameworks is that MicroProfile offers multiple implementations of the APIs. This reduces the chance of ending up locked into a particular implementation or finding that the open source community behind the APIs you were utilizing wasn't as vibrant as you thought and the maintainers disappear. In addition, different implementations tend to take different design decisions, which may better suit your needs. At the time of writing, there were four implementations of the most recent release of the MicroProfile APIs: Open Liberty, Payara, WebSphere Liberty, and WildFly. In addition, Helidon, JBoss EAP, KumuluzEE, and Quarkus...