Chapter 7. Security
While Plone is quite fortunate to be built on top of the very safe and secure Zope 2 application server, there is always more we can do to make sure our site is running as safely and securely as possible.
Because security is such a big topic, there are many areas where we can perform audits and make improvements such as operating system (OS), filesystem (FS), through the web (TTW), and so on.
Lastly, there are some miscellaneous tasks that fall under the security umbrella; we can take this opportunity to learn them.
So let's get to it.
In this chapter, you will learn:
Restricting TCP/IP access to localhost or LAN host
Managing IP addresses and ports effectively
Configuring the Zope 2 effective user dynamically
Installing Cassandra to audit through the web (TTW) security
Applying security and bug fixes to Plone
More about security
For a closer look at a variety of Plone-related security information, visit
For Erik Rose and Steve...