Chapter 5. Understanding the Principles of Light Behavior
Even though light is something that everyone on the planet makes use of every day, I would think it fair to say that more than a few of us are somewhat in the dark when it comes to understanding how it really works.
If my own research is anything to go by, most of us will admit that the smattering of understanding garnered when covering the basic concepts of how light works in high school Physics has, for the most part, disappeared into the black hole of disused memory with the passage of time.
While it does need to be noted that having an understanding of the physics of light isn't absolutely essential for us to become a skilled user of the lighting tools that are available in V-Ray for SketchUp, it also should be noted that understanding at least the basics of how the thing works will most definitely help. This is because most of what we learn regarding how real light works can be transferred over to working with the lighting tools...