Let's summarize what we have covered in this chapter with regard to fine tuning our scene.
Although our initial lighting setup hadn't left us with too much to do, the test renders taken did reveal areas of noise in both the Spot and Dome light contribution that required some attention to the sampling rates, especially so with the dome light.
The global illumination solution that we were producing still had visible noise (or splotches as render artists like to call them) that needed cleaning up and so we tweaked some parameters in both the Irradiance map and Light cache controls. We then learned how to save a calculated GI solution to disk and reuse it so as to drastically speed up subsequent renders. We were also able to demonstrate how to work with both global (image sampler) and local (materials and lights) subdiv values to get as much quality and speed from our final render as possible.
With all of that taken care of, we are now ready to move onto the final phase of the project,...