Chapter 4. Lighting an Exterior Daylight Scene
As all parents know, spending too much time indoors is not (typically speaking) a good thing for a young person to be doing. Liberal doses of fresh air and exercise can work wonders on both the general health and temperament of young and old alike. In a way, much the same can be said regarding the effort a lighting artist needs to put in so as to be able to grow or improve in his or her ability to produce a variety of high-quality lighting setups. With that thought in mind, time for us to go ahead and move our lighting exercises to an outdoor environment.
While in many ways exterior lighting can be a much simpler proposition than its indoor counterpart, it is still true that being able to create exterior light setups is a unique skill that a lighting and render artist will need to develop. Natural daylight is a phenomenon that we need to learn to admire, study, and breakdown in order to be able to replicate the complex illumination conditions...