The importance of R, G, and B in the digital realm
Technologies that use the RGB system, such as televisions, computer/tablet screens, and digital cameras are in fact taking something that is incredibly complex in real-world terms (visible light) and breaking it down into a much simpler model that can then be used to approximate and so simplify the complexity of the original.
Ray trace render engines such as V-Ray are perfect examples of this particular approach to problem solving. Pretty much everything they do simplifies an extremely complex real-world process, which in turn gives us the ability to compute and produce single-frame renders in minutes and hours instead of the much, much longer time frames that a completely accurate simulation of reality would require.
This can be done, especially in the case of the RGB system, for the most part because of the amazing way that our eyes and brains work together to decipher information regarding light intensity and color values. By simply mixing...