Getting started with our materials
In this chapter, we are going to work with our existing Daylight Interior scene and pick up where we left off at the conclusion of Chapter 2, Lighting an Interior Daytime Scene. To follow along, open up the Daylight_Interior_with_Materials_01.skp
file found in your Exercise_Files
| Model_Files
| Chapter 6
In order for the scene files in this chapter to function correctly we will need to have worked through the exercises found in Chapter 2, Lighting an Interior Daytime Scene.
Defining our goals
We will, of course, once again want to define our goals for this chapter. In this instance, there are actually two ways that we could possibly go about this. One would be to give ourselves a general idea of what we feel our scene materials need to accomplish, perhaps describing in brief what the texture and feel of the materials ought to be.
Another possible approach would be to go for something more in depth, breaking down the objects in the scene into as...