Aspect ratios
Before we go ahead and start creating any new camera views in our scene, however, there are a few critical pieces of information that really need to be input into both SketchUp and V-Ray before we can attempt to set up any kind of final composition for our render views. One such critical piece of information would be the choice of aspect ratio at which we want our final images to be produced.
For those of you who are a little unfamiliar with this particular term, aspect ratio is a numerical value that describes the proportional relationship between the width and height of either an image or video frame. More often than not this relationship is described by two colon separated numbers such as 16:9 and 4:3, which are themselves two common ratios used in video and broadcast production.
Perhaps in a slightly confusing manner, this exact same relationship can also be correctly represented in a slightly different format, this time using the values 1.777:1 and 1.333:1, respectively...