Adding or changing substitution variables with MaxL
In this recipe, we create a set of substitution variables, change their values, and display the results in our log files. You should complete the recipe Setting up folder structure and other files needed for MaxL automation before you continue as we are going to need the folder structure and the script created in that recipe.
Getting ready
To get started, click on the Start menu and navigate to Program | Oracle EPM System | Essbase | Start Administration Services Console. In the Log in menu, enter your Administration Server, Username, Password, and click on the Log in button.
How to do it...
In EAS, click on File, click on Editors, click on MaxL Script Editor, type the following MaxL script, and click on the Execute Script button.
/*Create substition variables for Prior Month, Current Month, and Next Month*/ alter database 'Sample2'.'Basic' add variable 'PriMth' 'May'; alter database 'Sample2'.'Basic' add variable 'CurMth' 'Jun'; alter database...