Communicating between processes using messages and correlation
In this practice activity, we will build two processes and call one from the other using correlation . The example that we will use is illustrated in the following diagram. We will create a calling process that will send a number to the called process . The called process will square the number (multiply it by itself) and return the result to the calling process.
We will run multiple instances of the calling process, which will start multiple instances of the called process—one each. We will observe that the correct result is returned to each instance of the calling process.
Start by creating a new BPM Application in JDeveloper. Name both the application and the project as Practice1.
Choose the option to create an empty composite
Let's define the data structures that we will use in this project. For this practice activity, we will create a business object called Work that will hold both the number and its square.
Open BPM Process...