Through the different sections of this chapter, we have introduced the fundamental concepts around SOA Governance, API Management and how these two converge, giving birth to ASG. The chapter continued by elaborating further on the objectives of ASG and why implementing an ASG framework ensures that business benefits are realized. On this same topic, the people, ASG design-time and ASG runtime aspects of the ASG framework were described to a good degree of detail. Examples of the ASG roles and responsibilities and RACI models were provided, the main artifacts of ASG design-time and runtime were listed and described with examples and diagrams. The discipline of DevOps was defined including the problems it aims to solve and what deliverables it encompasses.
The chapter concluded by providing the author's choice of tooling to support an end-to-end ASG implementation.
The following chapters of this book will make use of these concepts, but will delve deeper into the steps needed to implement the ASG using the Oracle API Management solution.