Final words
Congratulations—you reached the end of this book! We made it! We really hope you now feel more prepared and confident about working with OpenShift in the cloud, on-premises, and even both—from one cluster to many! Thanks for being our partner during the course of this book, and we look forward to meeting you anytime soon!
Our sincere message of thanks and, as we said, learning is constant and the sources of information are many. To achieve your goals without getting lost or straying along the path of so many opportunities, we leave some tips here:
- Look at the technology options available today.
- Research those that have seen the most adoption and absorption in terms of ease of use, learning, and documentation, as well as employment and career opportunities.
- Choose the way forward and stay focused.
- Emerging technologies can be a good path, but they are often risky. If you want to adopt new technologies, don’t forget to take into...