Basic matrix manipulation
From a computer vision background, we can see an image as a matrix of numerical values, which represents its pixels. For a gray-level image, we usually assign values ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white) and the numbers in between show a mixture of both. These are generally 8-bit images. So, each element of the matrix refers to each pixel on the gray-level image, the number of columns refers to the image width, as well as the number of rows refers to the image's height. In order to represent a color image, we usually adopt each pixel as a combination of three basic colors: red, green, and blue. So, each pixel in the matrix is represented by a triplet of colors.
It is important to observe that with 8 bits, we get 2 to the power of eight (28), which is 256. So, we can represent the range from 0 to 255, which includes, respectively the values used for black and white levels in 8-bit grayscale images. Besides this, we can also represent these levels as floating points...