Creating or modifying templates
Website templates are created using QWeb, a templating language that integrates seamlessly with the Odoo framework. These templates are used to define the structure and appearance of web pages within the Odoo website module.
Here’s an overview of how to work with website templates in Odoo.
Understanding QWeb templates
QWeb templates in Odoo allow you to create dynamic web pages using XML-like syntax mixed with control structures and placeholders. They enable you to define the structure, content, and presentation of web pages.
Creating a basic website template
To create a simple website template, follow these steps:
Create a view file: Create a new XML file within your module’s views
<!-- Example: custom_template.xml --> <template id="custom_template" name="Custom Template"> Â Â Â Â <t t-call="website.layout"> Â Â Â Â Â Â ...