Understanding the security-related information repository
Odoo users are granted access to features through access groups. These access groups hold the definitions of the privileges access they provide. The most relevant access models are listed here:
- User, or
, are the Odoo system users. - Access Group, or
, are the access groups. Users belong to one or more groups, and each group grants certain privileges. - Model Access, or
, grants a group create-read-update-delete (CRUD) privileges on a model. - Rule, or
, grants a group CRUD privileges on a subset of the model records, defined by a domain expression. For example, with regular access rights, you can grant write access, and then a record rule can limit certain records to be read-only.
The following diagram provides a simplified view of this part of the data model:
Figure 14.3 – Security-related data model
You have learned about the data...