Rendering images
The last column of our report will feature the list of followers, with the avatars. We will use the media-list
Bootstrap component and a loop through the followers to render each one of them:
<!-- Render followers --> <ul class="media-list"> <t t-foreach="o.message_follower_ids" t-as="f"> <li t-if="f.partner_id.image_small" class="media-left"> <img class="media-object" t-att-src="'data:image/png;base64,%s' % f.partner_id.image_small" style="max-height: 24px;" /> <span class="media-body" t-field="" /> </li> </t> </ul>
The content of binary fields is provided in a base64
representation. The <img>
element can directly accept this type of data for the src
attribute. Thus we can use the t-att-src
QWeb directive to dynamically generate each of the images...