Using patterns improves your application, as you use well-proven and well-tested concepts that help developers to better understand and eventually improve your code. But improving your code doesn't end here. There is another type of pattern that varies from language to language, and we call it optimization.
An optimization is a pattern that is not specific to any problem but specific to a code structure. The idea is to change the code to be more efficient or to use less memory or other types of resources while doing the same thing. The goal of an optimization is not to get simpler code or to make it more readable. It can be bigger but still readable. Don't optimize for the sake of optimizing and reducing your code readability.
As Node.js uses the V8 engine as the language processor, we have to use V8-specific optimizations in the code. Some optimizations work across versions, others not so much and the effort of optimizing might be worthless. This is because V8 is...