Webhooks enable you to send outbound HTTP API calls from a system when certain events take place. In this case, we are talking about making API calls from Nautobot when data changes in Nautobot. For example, maybe you want to send a chat notification when there is any change on a particular device; maybe you want to execute an automation workflow on a third-party automation system when a new is device added; maybe you want to remove a device from your monitoring tool when it is deleted from Nautobot. There are numerous reasons you may want to use Webhooks in Nautobot. Let’s explore how you’d create one.
Exploring webhooks
Webhooks are managed under EXTENSIBILITY | Webhooks in the sidebar navigation.
The next step is to click the +Add button in the top right to start creating your Webhook:
![Figure 8.46 – Webhooks](https://static.packt-cdn.com/products/9781837637867/graphics/image/B19544_08_46.jpg)
Figure 8.46 – Webhooks
When creating the Webhook, you’ll notice the following fields:
- Name: The arbitrary name you...