AbsoluteLayout 87
use cases 87, 88
ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation 265
altool 434
Apache Cordova 7
app improvement
absolute routes, registering 177
improved design 176
IUserService, implementing 179-181
model and services 177-179
relative routes, registering 177
Apple’s App Store
application packages, publishing to 431-437
application development 4
backend development 4
backend services 5
development complexity, managing 5
frontend development 4
full stack development 5, 6
native application development 4
web application development 5
application packages
preparing, for publishing 418, 419
publishing, to Apple’s App Store 431-437
publishing, to Google Play Store 426-430
publishing, to Microsoft Store 420-426
Base Class Library (BCL) 13
base modal dialog component
creating 336-338
binding modes
OneTime binding 120
OneWay binding...