Activity 4: Producing effective personal profiles
Aim: Help students write engaging personal profiles
Moodle modules: Personal profile
Extra programs: None
Ease of setup: *
One of the first things that many Moodle users do is look up the personal profiles of other users. This should motivate users to make sure that their own profiles are written as accurately and engagingly as possible. It's therefore a good place to start this section on production activities. It's worth agreeing with your class what they think useful ingredients are. It could include some or all of the following:
Some background information
Something about your interests
Why you are a user
Links to your favorite websites
This is what we're aiming for:
Here's how to do it
Show students examples of different personal profiles. Get them to comment on which ones they like or don't like. You could do this face to face in class, or you could post texts on a Moodle web page. See Chapter 3, Vocabulary Activities, Activity 3 if you need help...