Activity 12: Collaborative writing using Wiki
Aim: Help students write different parts of a writing project
Moodle modules: Wiki
Extra programs: None
Ease of setup: **
Getting students to cooperate on a writing project can be beneficial in several ways. They can motivate each other, help each other to write and contribute one part of a bigger project. They can also compare and contrast their writing with other students' writing.
In this activity, students use a wiki to make different and separate contributions to the same project. A wiki is an editable web page or set of web pages. Any course member can edit any page on a wiki. You can also use the Moodle Group feature with wikis. Then only group members can see their own wiki. There's another example of a wiki in Chapter 3, Vocabulary Activities, Activity 7.
We're going to use a wiki to help students contribute to different parts of a School Guide. They'll need preparation first. This could either be face to face in class, or you could set up...