Activity 1: Raising awareness of text structure using Quiz
Aim: Raise students' awareness of how certain texts are ordered
Moodle modules: Quiz with add-on Ordering question
Extra programs: None
Ease of setup: ***
One element of writing that's sometimes tricky for learners in any language is getting the parts of their text in the right order. That could be because they're not used to the type of text (genre) that they're writing, or because the order in the language they're learning is different to that in their own language. For example, in German you would write Liebe Grüße, which means "greetings" at the end of a letter and not at the beginning as you would in English. German writers in English need to know that.
We can practice ordering parts of texts with a variety of genres: they could be simple ones such as postcards, invitations, reminders, or memos, or more complicated ones such as essays, reviews, or reports.
This activity starts by getting students to recognize the order of key elements...