Activity 12: Creating a text/text matching activity using the Quiz module
Aim: Help students create associations between words and other words/images/audio
Moodle modules: Quiz
Extra programs: Audacity needed for Variation 2
Ease of setup: ***
It's well known that making associations between words and other objects, thoughts or sounds, is a good way to learn them. These other things can be images, sounds, other words, movements, emotions. Buzan's website is a good source of information on this.
There is Quiz question type in Moodle that lets us set up a matching question, which helps students make associations. The way this works is that pairs of items are arranged in two separate columns. The student matches them by choosing an item from a drop-down menu in the right-hand column.

Lots of teachers get put off setting up Quiz module questions, because they are a little more complex than most of the other activities in Moodle. The pay-off is that once we've got them working...