Chapter 6. Reading Activities
Why would you want to use Moodle for teaching reading? There are the advantages that all Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) like Moodle have. For example, you can use Moodle to store and organize large numbers of texts. They can be long or short and in different languages. You can also set up a variety of interactive activities based on reading texts. It's particularly useful that students can work in their own time. So if they're having problems with reading, they can take their time, go over texts and exercises several times, or go back to half-finished activities when it suits them.
There is a pleasing variety of activities that we can set up in Moodle, as we'll see in this chapter. As always, don't be daunted by the amount of time it takes to set up a reading activity. Start with a simple project. For example, produce one reading text and write some questions for it. Get colleagues or students to try it out. Then, as your confidence grows, try another activity...