Activity 4: Using Blog to explore texts
Aim: Investigate the meaning of interesting words through their context
Moodle modules: Blog and Blog Tags block
Extra programs: Optional — HTML block with link to online dictionary
Ease of setup: **
One of the appealing features of Moodle is that parts of it can be personalized by students. We can see this in Chapter 3, Vocabulary Activities with the My Moodle Personal Glossary, in Chapter 7, Writing Activities with personal profiles and journals, and in most of the other chapters with blogs and wikis. In this activity we are going to apply the personal factor to blogs. We can help students choose their own texts, investigate them using an online dictionary, and highlight interesting words in Moodle Tags. Tags are keywords that we associate with a text. We can display a collection of tags in a tag block like this.
In the following screenshot, music is the most popular tagged word.
If we click on one of the tags, we can see the blog that they come from.