Activity 3: Using Choice for voting on texts
Aim: Using polls to vote on a text
Moodle modules: Choice
Extra programs: None
Ease of setup: *
Yes, it's good to promote a serious attitude to learning, but whenever we bring in some fun, motivation levels always seem to go up. One way of doing this in Moodle, as we saw in Chapter 3, Vocabulary Activities, is to get students to vote on texts that they have read. Which one was better?
The texts could be simple, like motivational quotes, or longer like extracts from websites, or reviews. You could also get students to read the information on a story from a book cover or a website and then vote on it. The Choice module allows students to select just one response. In the example below they'll decide which of two books they'd rather read. The back cover information and images in each case are taken from You can copy and paste the text and right-click on the images in Amazon to save them.
Here's how to do it
On the course page, click on Turn editing...