Activity 7: Peer grammar review using the Forum module
Aim: Get students to review grammar in each other's writing
Moodle modules: Forum
Extra programs: None
Ease of setup: *
Getting students to review each other's writing for grammar mistakes can be motivating and informative for both the writer and the corrector. In this activity we use the Forum module to get students to post texts. Other students then post replies which query any grammar they're not sure about, and which offer suggestions as well. At an agreed time, the tutor then reviews the forums and comments on any points that students have got wrong and commends students for points they got right. The activity helps all students get an opportunity to construct their knowledge through analysis, reflection, and discussion. It probably helps to set up groups of 4 or 5 students to restrict the amount of work students have to do.
This is what a finished forum exchange might look like:
Here's how to do it
Set up a Forum activity. To do that...