Part 3: Some useful external programs and resources
You can do many of the activities in this book without additional programs. However, the following programs and resources, arranged in alphabetical order, can help enrich your Moodle service:
Assessment Audio Avatars Directories of websites Firewalls Hot Potatoes HTML International accent marks and diacritics |
Reminder service Scheduling service Screencasts Video Widgets Word processors XML file creator |
If you'd like to find out more about assessment, there are several books for beginners that could be helpful:
"Language Testing" (Oxford Introduction to Language Study ELT), Brian Heaton, Oxford University Press
"Writing English Language Tests" (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers), J. B. Heaton, Longman Pub Group
"Language Test Construction and Evaluation" (Cambridge Language Teaching Library), J. Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham, Dianne Wall, Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Language Assessment series (Cambridge...