Activity 2: Creating a display of student work using the E-Portfolio block
Aim: Help students organize a range of work documents
Moodle modules: None
Extra programs: Add-on Exabis E-Portfolio block
Ease of setup: ***
In this scenario, students have to display their best language work for a given period. The fact that their work will be on display should motivate them to produce the best work possible. It will remind them of the work they've done and help them reflect on it. It's also a chance for students to benefit from each other's work.
Here's how to do it
First of all, make sure the add-on block has been installed. The following example is for a portfolio for the fictitious Jill Smith, so I'll write the instructions as if I were telling her what to do. Remember that teachers can't edit students' portfolios. You might find it useful to set up a dummy student and log on as that student to try out the procedure. You can delete the dummy student later on, if necessary.
First, though, we need to...