Useful Moodle add-ons
Here are some of the add-ons that can enhance your assessment practice in Moodle. They can all be downloaded from the download modules page on the main Moodle site. See Chapter 2 for downloading add-on Modules.
Hot Potatoes
This popular quiz program is easy to set up and use. If you don't need Moodle's detailed results and feedback summaries, you might find it easier to use Hot Potatoes instead. There are instructions on how to download it in Chapter 2, Getting Started with Moodle, and there are some example activities that use it in Chapter 3, Vocabulary Activities and Chapter 6, Reading Activities.
Lolipop module
It looks like the British word for a Popsicle, but this isn't a way of bribing youngsters into doing tests. Lolipop stands for Language Online Portfolio Project. It uses the Common European Framework to help students evaluate their current and target language skills. Lolipop's main website is at
It's a useful tool for getting...