Buying your device
Off to the mobile store you go; you are buying a mobile device today. You saw the advertisement on the TV and now you must have the new mobile phone/tablet. Now that you have the new device, you are ready to start reading your corporate e-mail and/or accessing the expense system. Being a five year employee at ACME Anvil Corporation, you know the head of the corporate e-mail system. You bring your new super tablet to your computer friend and tell him, "put our e-mail on my tablet, please!" As noted, Roger has been your working friend for many years and he is happy to help you. Roger tells you the following rules:
You need to use a special Internet address:
Once you connect to your company server, you may need to use your normal username and password (or a special one that was provided by Roger) that you use to connect your PC to the network when you come to work.
Roger may also say, "Use your one time use Personal Identification Number (PIN...