Have you been hacked?
Let's review some important points from Chapter 5, Protecting Your Mobile Devices. It is very important for you to recognize if you have been hacked. Believe it or not, many users remain unaware that their device or information has been compromised until significant damage has been done. This is confirmed from a study that Symantec executed in 2012. This study identified the following important points:
55 percent of end users are not sure if their device is clean of virus or malware
About 33 percent of end users don't know how to protect themselves online
49 percent of the end users surveyed did not understand if there is a virus or malware on their computer based on the fact that the computer may be running slow
This survey can be found at http://now-static.norton.com/now/en/pu/images/Promotions/2012/cybercrimeReport/2012_Norton_Cybercrime_Report_Master_FINAL_050912.pdf.
Here's a list of signs that may indicate your device has been hacked:
Deleted or installed files: If...