Integrating the Cloud Load Testing Service in TFBuild
"Tests at Amazon revealed: every 100 ms increase in load time of decreased sales by 1% (Kohavi and Longbotham 2007)."
Performance Testing can't be an afterthought! Mature software teams test for performance early in the development life cycle. The biggest entry barrier to performance testing is the high cost and low utilization of infrastructure required to generate sufficient load on the application. Today, a wide range of pay-as-you-go Cloud Load Test Services are available. Microsoft also offers a Load Test Service with Visual Studio Team Services. Each VSTS account receives 20,000 virtual user minutes of Load Test Quota free every month. In this recipe, you'll learn how to integrate the VSTS Cloud Load Test Service into your CI Pipeline in TFS.
Getting ready
Visual Studio Team Services is free for Teams of up to five people. You can create a free account at In this recipe, we'll be using the account...