Designing the visual layout
You build the visual layout of a report by arranging the data items. A report that is displayed or printed must have a client report definition (RDLC) layout. You use Visual Studio Report Designer to design the RDLC layout. You generally display most data in the body of a report, and you use the header to display information before any data item record is displayed. For example, you can display a report title, company, and user information in the header of a report.
With Visual Studio Report Designer, you can add useful features to your report layouts, such as:
- Providing links from a field on a report to either a page or another report
- Inclusion of images and graphs
- The ability to toggle columns so you can hide or display data
- The ability for the users to interactively change the column on which the data in the report is sorted
- The ability to display RTF text
A report in Visual Studio always has exactly one body, and it is not possible to add more than...