Introducing the Word report layout
There are two types of layouts that you can create for a report in Dynamics NAV: RDLC and Word. You can do this in two environments: the development environment and the Dynamics NAV RoleTailored Client.
The layouts that you create in the development environment are built-in layouts. You can create one built-in RDLC and one Word layout per report. One of these two layouts is then defined as the default layout for the report.
The default report layout is defined using the report property, DefaultLayout:
A user can create one or more custom layouts without using the development environment. These can be RDLC and/or Word layouts.
You need to install Report Builder to create an RDLC layout. You need Microsoft Word 2013 to create a Word layout.
One report can contain two built-in layouts (one RDLC and one Word) and multiple custom layouts. The custom report layouts are stored in the database and, when you run a report, the application uses code to determine which...