Scenario 2: You can't see my meterpreter
Throughout the previous chapters, we saw how we can take control of a variety of systems using Metasploit. However, the one important thing which we did not take into account is the presence of antivirus solutions on most operating systems. Let us create a backdoor executable of type windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
, as follows:

We can now put this executable along with any exploit or office document, or we can bind it with any other executable and send it across to a target that is running windows and has an AVG AntiVirus
solution running on his system. Let us see what happens when the target executes the file:

Our generated file caused sudden alarms by AVG AntiVirus
and got detected. Let's scan our generic.exe
file on the majyx scanner to get an overview of the detection rate, as follows:

We can see that 44/70 AVs detected our file as malicious. This is quite disheartening since as a law enforcement agent you might get only a single shot at getting...