BizTalk Settings Dashboard
A common complaint with the earlier versions of BizTalk included a lack of consistency when carrying out performance tuning. Tuning performance in these earlier versions of BizTalk usually involved tweaking the registry settings, configuration files, and modifying settings in the BizTalk Administration Console.
Another common complaint was that modified settings were often applied to the entire BizTalk Group instead of more granular artifacts, such as Hosts. Microsoft.made some significant enhancements to their performance-tuning story in BizTalk 2010. We do not need to visit as many locations to tweak performance any longer. Instead, we will find a BizTalk Settings Dashboard that will allow us to make performance tweaks to our BizTalk Group and Hosts from a central location. Another beneficial feature is the ability to import and export our settings, which allows for better consistency and portability across our BizTalk environments.