Fulfilling orders
When people take out their credit cards to pay for things with their hard-earned cash, they expect you to ship their order quickly and safely. Getting a package from your warehouse to a customer’s home is called fulfillment, and there are a bunch of smaller steps included. They are as follows:
- Receiving a new order notification
- Viewing customer shipping information
- Picking items in the warehouse
- Packing items into boxes
- Printing shipping labels
- Dropping off packages
- Marking orders as complete
Exploring new order notifications
The whole process starts with a notification, which WooCommerce has automatically enabled. You can view the notification email under WooCommerce | Settings | Emails, as shown in the following image:

Figure 5.1 – Control WooCommerce email notifications
By default, these emails will be sent to the site admin. You can click Manage to change the recipient or add...