Scoping a GPO
I briefly mentioned the ability to scope GPOs so that they only apply to machines or users that you desire. This is probably the single most important piece of the Group Policy puzzle to understand. You have already seen a couple of examples of plugging settings into GPOs, and information is abundant on the Internet with useful and exact policy settings and how to put those into place. If there is some particular task you are trying to accomplish on a large scale, turn to search engines and look for that item while including the search word "GPO," and you'll quickly find information about how to set up your new GPO to do that thing. What those articles, Microsoft documents, and blog posts are not going to define for you is to what extent you push those settings into your network, and how to ensure your new GPO is not too far-reaching. That decision is yours alone. In this section, we will discuss the different options available within every GPO that allow...