Phase I - Project Definition
In this first section, we are going to look at how you approach the project. This is broken down into four steps, as shown in the following diagram:
Let's start by looking at the business drivers and understanding what your business requirements look like.
Identifying business drivers - understanding your needs and requirements
Before you jump headlong into your Horizon project, take a step back and ensure that you document what you are actually trying to achieve. More often than not, it can be very easy to get carried away with all the new shiny technological aspects of the solution, such as the installation and configuration of new hardware and software, that the end goal is either lost, or is not relevant to the business.
It may be an obvious point to make, but the key to identifying the business drivers is to really understand what you want to evaluate. By this, we mean is it a strategic decision based on the need to transform your organization with new working...