Fake objects are working implementations; mostly, the fake class extends the original class, but it usually hacks the performance, which makes it unsuitable for production. The following example demonstrates the fake object:
public class AddressDao extends SimpleJdbcDaoSupport{ public void batchInsertOrUpdate(List<AddressDTO> addressList, User user){ List<AddressDTO> insertList = buildListWhereLastChangeTimeMissing(addressList); List<AddressDTO> updateList = buildListWhereLastChangeTimeValued(addressList); int rowCount = 0; if (!insertList.isEmpty()) { rowCount = getSimpleJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(INSERT_SQL,…); } if (!updateList.isEmpty()){ rowCount += getSimpleJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(UPDATE_SQL,…); } if (addressList.size() != rowCount){ raiseErrorForDataInconsistency(…); } }
extends from a Spring framework class and provides an API for mass update. The same method is...