Analyzing the chain
Chains can quickly become complex. Complexity makes it harder for us to have the rule definitions complete in a chain. Therefore, Oracle decided to build the dbms_scheduler.analyze_chain
procedure. This procedure is of particular interest when we are lost. The exact definition is yet unknown, but it can be used to list all the dependencies of a chain. With a little luck, the results are presented in such a way that we can see what is missing or what is wrong. Here is an example based on our famous backup chain:
--/ declare rules sys.scheduler$_rule_list; steps sys.scheduler$_step_type_list; zout sys.scheduler$_chain_link_list; begin dbms_scheduler.analyze_chain ( chain_name => 'c_cold_backup', rules => rules, steps => steps, step_pairs => zout ); end; /
The output is as shown as follows:
SHUTDOWN of type PROGRAM depends on "BEGIN" of type BEGIN . Based on rule MARVIN SCHED_RULE$6 of type START COPYFILES of type PROGRAM depends...