Metasploit will get more powerful in the years to come. To learn more about MSF, it is recommended that readers go through the free course on Metasploit run by the creators of Kali Linux, that is, Offensive Security – Metasploit Unleashed at:
Meterpreter is an amazing shell and when powered by useful post exploitation modules, it becomes a cakewalk to dump and gather vast amounts of data from a server. I suggest the readers practice and perform trials with Meterpreter in a simulated environment like Metasploitable – A vulnerable Linux server to discover hidden treasures inside it.
In the last section of this chapter I demonstrated how we can dive into Linux Meterpreter from a normal PHP one via backgrounding the existing PHP session. Although this works effectively, in some cases the session dies before we can configure the handler for the Linux session. To avoid this, please run two separate terminals for each type of payload...