Using the OData protocol for APIs
Every client that can make HTTP calls can consume RESTful APIs. By using the GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE verbs of the HTTP protocol, you can Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) entities. To make integrations with Dynamics 365 Business Central, the OData protocol and RESTful APIs are the recommended tools to work with.
The Open Data (OData) protocol is a web protocol that permits you to perform CRUD operations on tabular data with HTTP calls by using URIs (short for Uniform Resource Identifiers) for resource identification. These URIs, like URLs, serve as OData endpoints that identify resources on the web.
At the moment, there is a simple way to expose an object (like a page, a codeunit, or a query object) as an OData endpoint in Dynamics 365 Business Central. First, you open the Web Services page, and then you insert a new record by setting the Object Type and Object ID fields, give it a Service Name, and set the Publish field to true...