The new KIE API stems from the need for providing both a new common software service layer and an integrated IDE (Workbench) for well-assessed Red Hat projects, mainly Drools and jBPM. With the KIE API, several features have been added to ease the integration of these platforms with several environments: JMS, Rest, SOAP, CDI, Spring, Seam, OSGi, and plain Java applications.
The droolsjbpm-integration additional project (hosted at features integration packages for various environments and technologies.
We previewed some of the new KIE concepts in Chapter 4, Operation Management (new Maven-based deployments, KieModule, the kmodule.xml
file, and KieScanner), so you should be ready to go deeper into the subject. You will also find, as a companion support for our examples, class diagrams of specific KIE component relationships, which should help you to have a clearer picture of the internal KIE organization.