Using the cloud for your runs
Modern software development demands efficiency and reliability, making the choice of infrastructure critical. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is one of the leaders in managed Kubernetes services. By using a cloud-hosted platform such as AKS, teams can effortlessly scale resources to match their growing workload demands, ensuring that resource allocation is efficient and cost-effective. Beyond scalability, the reliability of AKS’s built-in redundancy and high availability ensures that deployment cycles continue unhindered, even if part of the infrastructure faces challenges.
In this section, we will install ARC on our AKS instance, which we’ll create from Bicep. We’ll also bolster our security and move to a GitHub app instead of a PAT.
Setting up Kubernetes using Bicep
This section will involve deploying SSH keys for VMs, using them to power our Kubernetes cluster, which we’ll deploy using Bicep. To get us through this...