Chapter 10 – Classification and Clustering
The loaded R package versions (in the order mentioned in the chapter):
- NbClust 3.0 (CRAN)
- cluster 2.0.1 (CRAN)
- poLCA 1.4.1 (CRAN)
- MASS 7.3-40 (CRAN)
- nnet 7.3-9 (CRAN)
- dplyr 0.4.1 (CRAN)
- class 7.3-12 (CRAN)
- rpart 4.1-9 (CRAN)
- rpart.plot 1.5.2 (CRAN)
- partykit 1.0-1 (CRAN)
- party 1.0-2- (CRAN)
- randomForest 4.6-10 (CRAN)
- caret 6.0-47 (CRAN)
- C50 0.1.0-24 (CRAN)
Further R packages:
- glmnet 2.0-2 (CRAN)
- gbm 2.1.1 (CRAN)
- xgboost 0.4-2 (CRAN)
- h2o (CRAN)
Further reading:
- The Elements of Statistical Learning. Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Springer by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman in 2009 at
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning, Springer by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani in 2013 at
- R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies by Yanchang Zhao at